Thursday, December 13, 2007

Eletronic monument

Hey guys
Here is my piece

Torture and Death in the Slums :
The Violent Path Through Fear, Blood and Vice

I really enjoy the class, the material and the assignments.
The books were very good and very enlightened.



1 comment:

Lin said...

Hi,it is really a nice video, Henrique. ^_^

this my webpage
all my assignments are there.
sorry that I did not attend the last class, but I was ill that day, and until now am still very

P.S, I want to give an explanation of the word showed in the end of my video, since Cynthia said it was not clear. the word is leithian, it is from a long poem: the lay of leithian,
an unfinished poem written by the writer who wrote the lord of the ring. I use this word because I want to express the idea that wars in history are from human beings' desires. Once the door of desire is open, the desasters are coming, like what we see in the movie the lord of the ring. The poem the lay of leithian was published after its writer's death, and it has been translated by many people in different version. I use this word, kind of memorizing this great writer, who created such a beautiful middle-earth world for us and who described wars, love and death, the immortal theme in his fictional land.